現地時間2月12日、第54回グラミー賞で、故スティーブ・ジョブズ氏にGrammy Trustees Awardが贈呈されました。生前の音楽に対する功績を讃える賞です。(
スティーブの細君ローリーンと子ども達、そしてアップルの従業員を代表して、スティーブの Grammy Trustees Award 受賞の栄誉に感謝します。スティーブは予言者であり、指導者であり、とても近い友人でした。この15年間、彼と働けたことをとても光栄に思います。
"On behalf of Steve's wife, Laurene, his children, and everyone at Apple, I'd like to thank you for honoring Steve with the Trustees Grammy Award. Steve was a visionary, a mentor, and a very close friend. I had the incredible honor of working with him for the last fifteen years.
Accepting this award means so much to me because music meant so much to him. He told us that music shaped his life...it made him who he was. Everyone that knows Steve knows the profound impact that artists like Bob Dylan and The Beatles had on him.
Steve was focused on bringing music to everyone in innovative ways. We talked about it every single day. When he introduced the iPod in 2001, people asked "Why is Apple making a music player?" His answer was simple: "We love music, and it's always good to do something you love."
His family and I know that this Grammy would have been very special to him, so I thank you for honoring him today."
アップルは2002年にも Technical Grammy Award を受賞しているとのことです。
Eddy Cue Accepts Special Grammy Award Honoring Steve Jobs - Mac Rumors
Trustees Award: Steve Jobs | GRAMMY.com
翻訳協力: Thanks to @sei_n @tomohiro_kasuga @mikesekine